Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hadlee's 1 year check-up

Hadlee went to see Dr. Harris today. She is now 30 inches long/tall, and 20 lbs. 12 oz. She has been staying right in the middle of normal in her height and weight, but this time things were a little different. She's still in the middle weight-wise, but her height is now up at the top of normal. Dr. Harris said, "Long and lean! That's how I like 'em!" lol
Okay, that's the "nice info"; unfortunately, a 1-year check-up also calls for shots. I know...I know, that's nothing to blog about. It's not the fact she had shots; it's the "how many". All I gotta say is the genius who invented the chart - ya know the one that says when a baby gets what shots - is NOT a mommy. :) They poked her 5 TIMES in her poor thighs - 2 in one, 3 in the other. Then they had the nerve to send us down to the lab to do the lead blood test. I thought it would be a simple toe prick - nothing she'd even feel. But of course they have to get out a tourniquet and needle on a syringe and draw a "couple cc's" while I lay beside her and pin her to the bed. (AFTER I had pinned her down for the exam and held her head while she held her breath through the shots) I'm really not sure who's "worse for the wear" - Hadlee or Mommy!

Hadlee with her bandages posing The blue coconut slush around her mouth just adds to the pitiful look. (thanks, daddy!)


Brenda said...

Clayton had his first shot on Thursday. It's so pitiful to see them cry, but of course we want them healthy and disease-free. :-)

Holly said...

absolutely! but 5 at once? she's feelin' it today, poor girl

Jana said...

OHHH, I HATE shot apts.!! Even after four babies, I still feel so bad for them. One thing I didn't realize until recently, you can ask that they not "stick" your child more than 3x's in one visit. I know that just means more shots for later, but....

Tell Timothy we'll miss having him(and you to :-) here for this opening weekend of Deer Season,...I guess that's what happens when you more to KS. :-)

NatalieJo said...

Oh, that little face IS so pitiful!! Poor thing! I do feel your pain. :) Hope she is feeling all better soon.

Sarah said...

Holly--- I have to admit--- your blog is so fun to read--- it's like a total conversation with you reading it- cuz you type how you would say it! I love it... I love seeing all the pictures of Hadlee--Kindof makes me want one... Then I start listening to the music on your blog and I don't think I could stand letting my baby grow up (I know-- you can't stop them!)
Anyway... hope Hadlee's feeling better now!