As I've stated before, organization is one my favorite things. So... here are a couple of very simple yet extremely helpful things I have put/am putting into practice.
1) I've mentioned that we've been working specifically on our finances over the past year. Paying the bills has basically always been my job - I'm home all day, and I'm the number-crunching nerd in the house. :) So, one of the simplest yet most helpful things I've done is establish a computer spreadsheet listing all of our monthly bills, their due dates, their amount (or approximate amount), payment method (online, by phone, etc), and a checklist for Jan-Dec. It's all on one page; I keep it in the front of our "finance" binder, and I (or Timothy) can see at any time what needs to be paid and what has been paid. I guess I'm a typical woman and can basically keep a running total of all this in my head, but I'm also a typical mom and a few times a bill has gotten misplaced, didn't get sent off in time, etc. I started this last year about this time - right before I found myself in the hospital with my pregnancy. It was SO nice to know that Timothy (who is definitely involved in our finances, but doesn't "hands on" pay the bills, etc.) could easily see where we were, what needed to be done, and how to do it (payment method and log-in info is all right there). It also helps with budgeting - we can look at due dates (the bills are listed in due-date order) and see what needs to come out of which check. I know there are MUCH more advanced ways of keeping track of things, and some people use a lot of auto-withdrawals. However, this works the best for me, and I like to be the one to tell the money to go out - not someone else! :) (does that make me old fashioned???)
2) This one won't be nearly as wordy - I'm just starting. :) Haven't even gotten my spreadsheet done! But my other "big thing" to work on right now along with finances, is my time management - specifically with my kids. I very much like and need a clean orderly house, and I tend to go on deep-cleaning "binges" where everything from the kitchen cabinets to closets to the fireplace, EVERYTHING has to be clean. :) That's okay when company is coming, but I've decided to start breaking it up more. Going to take a certain part of the house for every day of the week (Mon-Fri). I'm working to cover everything so all rooms are well maintained without killing myself on any particular day. I think I'm going to like this! Besides, once I have this fully established and up and running - how dirty/unorganized can something get in one week?? :) Yesterday I picked up all of the house, but only cleaned the kitchen - cabinets included. I was able to relax yesterday evening, and feel like I had "accomplished" my goals without stressing about the rest of the house.
Okay, enough of that! :) As for our family, Timothy has been able to have some time off the last week, and may get some more time this next week. Hadlee is getting spoiled by this - she has informed me that Daddy should just be home on multiple occasions! I'm working on my goals/projects for this year - trying to keep momentum and not lose the excitement of a new year. Hadlee is...Hadlee! She's got smarts way beyond her years - sometimes that's great and sometimes that's not so great. lol She is very anxious for warm weather - she wants to wear blue sparkly flip-flops (hope I can find some!), go on picnics, and ride her new bike! Tanner is working on tooth #3, enjoying "big food", becoming very much a mommy's boy, and developing a very "boyish" personality. SO fun!!
We're all finally well - except Hadlee still has a little runny nose. I was very glad to clear all the medicines off the kitchen bar, and put them back in the medicine cabinet where they belong!! :)
I'll try to upload some pics of the kids soon - if blogger will quit being screwy!!