Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hadlee is growing - not as noticeably as Tanner, but still growing! :) She's been such a sweetheart through all of this! She's had some big milestones during the last several weeks, and I'm so proud of her for making them in spite of everything that has been different in her life. She has been sleeping in her toddler bed for several weeks now, and she's doing an awesome job with the "big girl panties" thing. :) She's had multiple "trainers" - Timothy and I were trying to work with her before this all started, then she had a week of Grandma Jackson, followed by a week of Grandma Arender - now it's mommy and daddy again with whoever wants to help. :) I thought the time in the hospital would totally ruin any progress, but she's done super! She is basically potty trained - stays dry all night, and rarely has an accident. I'm still hesitant about taking her out without a pull-up, but even away from home, she's great about telling me she's "gotta go" - and holds it 'til we find a bathroom. SOOO glad that the whole process is almost over - and it's just in time for another one in diapers!! :)

Here's some snapshots from Gramma and mommy over the past few weeks...

Hadlee with her beloved Uncle Ryan

She's crazy about these guys!

Givin' Uncle Ryan kisses - Gramma didn't catch it on camera...

my brothers really DO love each other...

Grampa and Hadlee

Hadlee with Gramma's scarf

eatin' peanuts - Grampa Arender would be proud! :)

little mommy!

Hadlee performing an "ultrasound" on Gramma

again.... with glasses!

she was very excited about candles on my cake - Daddy insisted on 24 (the whole package!) and it took him forever to light them all...

but he got it, and we blew 'em out!

Hadlee trying to touch the cake gently...she couldn't keep her hands off. (We really do feed her sugar - in fact, she has way too much!)

enjoying her cake and ice cream

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Enjoyed the pictures, espeically of Hadlee and the ultrasound. :-) So glad you are doing well.