Saturday, January 3, 2009


I trust everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! We've been busy, and Hadlee has been sick over the holidays. Terrible cold, high fever, and bad cough - that's the summary of our last week and a half. :( We took her to the doctor Monday, and they did chest x-rays, blood work, and a throat culture. They also put her on her second antibiotic. Unfortunately, we have yet to hear any results from the tests. (Mommy's not happy about that!) Anyway, she IS better. No more fever, cold is better, but she still has the cough, a little wheezing, and now an upset stomach. sigh! So...I do have a few pictures from her Christmas to share later, but she wasn't feeling like opening presents at all! On the bright side, we've been very happy to have Daddy home - 17 days!! Hadlee and Mommy are both going to really miss him when he has to go back to work Monday. :( I did post one picture of Hadlee on my other blog - you can check it out here Try to post our Christmas later - "Mom-ma!" is being paged at increasing decibels!! :)

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